Victoria - Diary

Preparing for the opening in June, Victoria and her roommates are perfecting their backstroke – we’ll keep you updated with a weekly post on how Victoria amazonica, Victoria cruziana and the others are doing.

20 April 2018

Wir feiern die „Queen“: Victoria-Eröffnungstermin steht fest

Die Auspflanzung der Victoria-Keimlinge in das 75.000-Liter-Becken und die Anzucht waren erfolgreich: Beide Arten der Riesenseerose gedeihen prächtig und zeigen bereits mehrere kleine (aktuell 30 cm große) Schwimmblätter. Bei diesen guten Aussichten konnte der Termin für die Wiedereröffnung festgelegt werden: Am großen Eröffnungs-Wochenende am 16. + 17. Juni 2018 gilt für alle Gäste im Botanischen Garten, in den Gewächshäusern und im Botanischen Museum einmalig der „1-Euro-Victoriatarif“. Und auch in den Folgemonaten feiern wir weiter - unter anderem mit Victorianächten & Victoriatalks, Sommerkonzerten und Hörspielkino auf der Terrasse am Victoriahaus und einem Victoria Kabinett im Botanischen Museum. Ein Blick auf das Programm werfen?

8 March 2018

A little seedling’s big moment!

On 8 March the Victoria seedlings were set in their 75,000 litre pool (here held by Curator Dr. Nils Köster) by our planting team who were suitably kitted out in waders. Now we’re keeping our fingers crossed that they all grow fast and thrive! Around the edge of the pool were some curious onlookers, among them Nelumbo and Strophocactus wittii – the cactus apparently tried to sneak a peek during the night, but since it only blooms for a single night the flower was already closed again by the morning…

5 March 2018

My Home: – 260 m², flooded with light & 75,000 l – swimming pool on the top deck!

Stepping over the threshold will take you right into the tropics – with 85% humidity and a temperature constantly above 30 degrees! The Victoria House is more than 100 years old and one of the most fascinating greenhouses of the Botanic Garden Berlin – showcasing hundreds of exotic tropical water and marsh plants from this June on. Queen among them is Victoria, the amazing giant waterlily from South America.

5 March 2018

My Leaf – First class floating

Victoria’s leaves aren’t just stunning in their looks – they also hold some records in the plant world: The floating leaves can reach two meters across and can carry more than 50 kilos without sinking. Like an inflatable mattress, air-filled compartments on the underneath provide the buoyancy. Who wouldn’t want to take a seat?

5 March 2018

My family: Each more beautiful than the other!

Our team cultivates both species - Victoria amazonica and Victoria cruziana. Within a few months, they grow from tiny seeds into truly spectacular plants with huge floating leaves. Just as enchanting are the other water lilies - such as Nymphaea gigantea, the blue-blooded water lily from Australia and New Guinea that you’ll see swimming along with Victoria.